How to Start Selling Your Art

October 22, 2015

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World-renowned glass sculptor Karen LaMonte, AIA’s Institute Honors winner Albert Paley, and Ann Wolff, one of the International Studio Glass Movement founders, may have no problem selling their glass artwork, but making art sales can be pretty tough when you’re first starting out.

Here are a few tips to help you sell your art, and start making a living off of what you love to do.

Work With Your Local Gallery
One of the most obvious ways to start selling your art is to work with your local gallery. Chances are they have tons of art exhibitions that you can get in on. Best of all, these places established networks of fans and collectors, which will allow you to hit the ground running.

Talk to Businesses
Coffee shops, schools, and libraries are also places that show off local artwork, but they’re not the only non-gallery places that you can display your work. Contact one of your area’s local business networks to find out which companies might let you show off your art work in their lobbies and offices. Business love to be seen as patrons of the art. Plus, many places are more than happy to offer their spaces as places to make art sales, as the art beautifies the space until it’s sold.

Go Online
It shouldn’t have to be said, but it still bears noting: the Internet is a great place to make some art sales. You definitely need to have your own personal website for the sake of building a reputation, but you also need to have an account on sites like Etsy, ArtPal, Artplode, and if you want to make some art sales.

These are just a few ways you can start selling your work, and make a living off of what you love to do. If you have any questions about getting your art career started, feel free to share in the comments.